Mamils at the Beach

Monday, May 23, 2011


Again, good breakfast in good B&B (even if I wouldn't have chosen that wallpaper).
Zipped down hill into Okey then stalled into slow grinding climb out of the town. Okehampton is an extremely hilly place! more of the same undulations in decent (on the whole) weather (still windy) until we cross the Tamar into Kernow! (photo opps.) and then on to Launceston. Correction to above: Okehampton is a little bit hilly, Launceston is seriously hilly. This is really hard work and will take it's toll later on..we are skirting around the Northern edge of Bodmin moor to head for Chris's brother, Jon's place at Washaway, Bodmin. He, Sharon and their good family have laid on a spread for us. The problem is, we are pushing against some wicked winds and seem to hitting it full-on on some less than perfect road surfaces (and did I mention the hills?.) Jerry and John cop out at Camelford for a latte and white tea with pomegranate! (guess who had what!) this was more of an excuse for a rest rather than fluids. Meanwhile Chris and Julian pressed on. The two JBs tracked them down at Jon's where a warming bowl of soup and assorted other home made calorific comestibles awaited our attention. By now this was extremely welcome and we collectively demolished the offerings. John was contentedly wallowing comfortably with the feeling of well-being that only warmth and a full stomach can bring, until rudely bustled back onto the steed. Truro and home is now within our sights. We push on over Goss Moor toward Fraddon (stopped briefly for some banter by a friend of Jerry's) and thence down the Laddock valley where instinct (or some sort of rush of blood) took over and sprint mode was adopted: heads down, legs straining we careered through Laddock and on to Tresillian. Amazing! we are almost home! the enormity of the feat dawns; 11 days ago we were aboard these same bikes in the Scottish highlands and now, still only by the same means of transport we are on our own doorstep in Cornwall! It just remains to toil up the hill from Tresillian to be met by Chris's kids and Karen on the corner and Cindy at the end of the driveway. Smiles hugs, kisses and excited chatter are exchanged and shortly Rebecca arrives too. Cindy distributes the prostate cancer charity shirts that have finally arrived ready for the big finish tomorrow. We take ourselves off to our various homes for the comfort that only home can bring. Just the small matter of a 65 miles via the Lizard to LE tomorrow!

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